PURE® combines the active protection of our natural resources with the familiar aesthetics of the home ambience: All products in our sustainability series are made from natural and renewable raw materials from European sources (except coconut wax) and are free from environmentally harmful plastic packaging, palm oil and genetically modified soy wax. We therefore consciously support the protection of the rainforest and completely avoid the use of palm oil or palm oil-based products!

Our candles impress with their particularly long burning time and their quiet, low-soot and CO2-neutral combustion. By avoiding hydrocarbons in the material, we achieve a CO2 saving of up to approx. 60% compared to conventional paraffin products!

The majority of our PURE® candles are equipped with SafeCandle® technology.



The Natural Lights are perfect for table decorations indoors and outdoors. The ivory-colored lights blend in with any decorative elements and let them shine in wonderful light. Our Natural Lights are made from 100% rapeseed wax from European harvests. You can find out more about our waxes under Wax Knowledge. All products in our sustainability series are made from natural and renewable raw materials and are free from palm oil and genetically modified soy wax. The candle is available with a burning time of 4h+7h and 10h and impresses with its quiet, low-soot and CO2 neutral burn.Mehr zu unseren Wachsen finden Sie unter Wachskunde

100% sustainable canola wax

100% of the cup made of recycled plastic

CO2 neutral combustion


The olive pillar candle is ideal for lavish celebrations, but also suitable for smaller occasions. The crystalline surface of the clear white wax looks elegant and casual at the same time. The candle is made of olive wax from European production.

All products in our sustainability series are made from natural and renewable raw materials and are free from palm oil and genetically modified soy wax.

The candle impresses with its particularly long burning time and its quiet, low-soot and CO2 neutral burn. In addition, all of our pillar candles are equipped with Safe Candle® technology.